Blood taking by phlebotomist costs 10 euros per person (not per test)
Profile Code | Haematology Test | TAT | Price |
H1 | Profile (5diff. CBC/Film/ESR)* | 1 hour | 35 |
CBC | 5-Diff Cell blood count * | 30 minutes | 20 |
H2 | 5-Diff Cell blood count + Film* | 45 minutes | 30 |
BF | Blood film* | 35 minutes | 15 |
ESR | Erythrocyte Sed. Rate * | 45 minutes | 10 |
FBN | FIBRINOGEN* | 30 minutes | 35 |
INR | INR testing | 10 mins | 35 |
You may quote code to order | * = Performed daily | Varies +/- 10 min | P.O.R = Price on request |
Please note that all prices and turnaround time (TAT) were correct at time of publication, and are subject to change without prior notice due to issues out of our control
Special Test | Sample Type | TAT | Price € | |
Allergy Test – Food Allergen Specific IgE Abs | Blood | 1day | 135 (Blood taking included) | |
Allergy Test – Inhalant Allergen Specific IgE Abs | Blood | same day | 135 (Blood taking included) | |
Allergy Test – Food & Inhalant Combined Allergen Specific IgE Abs | Blood | same day | 220 (Blood taking included) | |
Basic Male Fertility Test (Sperm Test) (M.F.T)* Sample to reach Lab within 60 minutes | Semen (Inform lab 1 day before and Sample to reach Lab within 60 minutes) | same day | 100 | |
Full detailed Male Fertility Test (Sperm Test) (M.F.T)* Including all basic tests plus the following: -Antisperm-Abs -Fructose level -HOS -DF index -TZ index -DNA-F -Nuclear Pr. Assay | Semen (Inform lab 1 day before and Sample to reach Lab within 60 minutes) | same day | 240 | |
Semen culture | Semen | min. 2-3 days | 85 | |
Basic MFT + Culture | Semen | 3hrs to 3 days | 170 | |
A.C.T.H | Adreno-corticotropic Hormone | Phone lab | 1 week | P.O.R |
Adenovirus | Faeces sample | same day | 25 | |
ANST | Androstenedione | Phone lab | min. 3 days | P.O.R |
AFP | Alpha Fetoprotein | Blood sample | same day | 55 |
(AMH) | Anti-Müllerian Hormone | Blood sample | same day | 85 |
ANA | antinuclear antibody | Blood | 1-2 days | 55 |
CAL | Calprotectin | Faeces sample | same day | 65 |
CAL-LAC | Calprotectin + Lactoferrin | Faeces sample | same day | 85 |
PCT | Procalcitonin | Blood | same day | 85 |
CA 15-3 | CA 15-3 (Semi-Quantitative) | Blood sample | same day | 35 |
CA 15-3 | CA 15-3 (Quantitative) | Blood sample | same day | 95 |
CA-125 | CA 125 (Semi-Quantitative) | Blood sample | same day | 55 |
CA-125 | CA 125 (Quantitative) | Blood sample | same day | 55 |
CA 19-9 | CA 19-9 (Semi-Quantitative) | Blood sample | same day | 55 |
CA 19-9 | CA 19-9 (Quantitative) | Blood sample | same day | 65 |
CA-211 | Detecting of gastric carcinoma | Blood | same day | 85 |
CEA | CEA (Semi-Quantitative) | Blood sample | same day | 55 |
CEA | CEA (Quantitative) | Blood sample | same day | 55 |
CT | CELIAC Pro. Test | Blood sample | same day | 65 |
ETH2 | Alcohol level | Blood | same day | 50 |
DOA | Drug screening | Urine | same day | 70 |
DOA+ETH2 | Alcohol + Drug Screen | Blood + Urine | same day | 100 |
Biomerieux Automated SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Testing For IgG & IgM | Blood sample | same day | 65 | |
Cobas® SARS-CoV-2 Swab Antigen Testing | Swab | same day | 30 | |
Fully Automated SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Testing IgG & IgM combined with Cobas® SARS-CoV-2 Swab Test | Swab + Blood sample | same day | 100 | |
RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 including a fit to fly certificate | Swab | same day | 100 | |
(DHEA-SO4) | Dehydroepiandrosterone-Sulfate | Phone lab | 5 days | P.O.R |
DIPH-Abs | Diphtheria Abs /Tetanus Antibody Panel | Blood/Serum | 2-5days | 215 |
E2 | Estradiol II | Blood | same day | 40 |
FAI | Female Free Androgen Index | Blood | 5 days | P.O.R |
Fe | Ferritin* | Blood | same day | 30 |
fFn | Fetal Fibronectin | Swab | same day | 45 |
FSH | Follicles Stimulating Hormone / Follitropin | Blood | same day | 40 |
IgE | Total IgE | Blood | same day | 55 |
FIT+ IgE+ Gluten-IgA | Food Intolerance (IgG) Testing + allergy total IgE antibodies + Celiac / Gluten (IgA) test + blood taking* | Blood | same day | 235 |
FIT | Food Intolerance (IgG) Testing + blood taking* | Blood | same day | 185 |
HIV I/II | HIV type 1 Abs HIV type 2 Abs | Blood | same day | 70 |
B-HCG | Human Chorionic Gonado–tropin | Blood | same day | 40 |
HP-Ag | H.Pylori Ag. | Stool | same day | 45 |
HP-Abs | H.Pylori Abs. | Blood | same day | 35 |
INS | Insulin Levels | Yellow | 1 week | 100 |
IL-6 | Interluken-6 | Blood | same day | 95 |
SAA | serum amyloid A | Blood | same day | 95 |
HS-CRP | High Sensitive C – Reactive Protein* | Blood | same day | 75 |
Anti-HBs or HBsAb | Hepatitis B surface antibody | Blood | 1-2 days | 50 |
Anti-HBc | Anti-HepB Core Abs | Blood | 1 week | 135 |
VZV-IgG | Varicella IgG | Blood | 1 week | 135 |
VZV-IgM | Varicella IgM | Blood | 1 week | 135 |
R-IgG | Rubella IgG | Blood | 1 week | 55 |
R-IgM | Rubella IgM | Blood | 1 week | 55 |
IGRA | Interferon gamma release assay | Blood (need special bottles) | 2 to 4 days | 125 |
M-IgG | Measles IgG | Blood (serum) | 1 week | 185 |
iGFBP-1 | Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Protein (ask for sterile swab) | Swab | same day | 50 |
LH | Luteinizing Hormone / Lutropin | Blood | same day | 40 |
MC | Morning Cortisol (F) | Blood | same day | 55 |
FAI | Male Free Androgen Index | Blood | same day | P.O.R |
MA | Micro-Albumin | 2nd morning urine | same day | 40 |
O-3/6 | Omega-3 & 6 | WHOLE BLOOD EDTA | 1 WEEK | 240 |
PRL | Prolactin / Lactotropic | Blood | same day | 40 |
PTH | Parathyroid hormone (WHOLE) | Serum (frozen immediately) | 3-4 days | 190 |
PT Abs | Parathyroid Antibodies | Serum (frozen immediately) | 3-4 days | 160 |
PTRP | Parathyroid Related Peptide | EDTA (plasma) (frozen immediately) | 3-4 days | 235 |
P/P4 | Progesterone | Blood | same day | 40 |
PSA | Prostate Specific Antigen | Blood | same day | 65 |
FPSA | FREE PSA | Blood | same day | 65 |
PSA-FPSA + FPSA ratio | FPSA RATIO | BLOOD | same day | 90 |
PAN | Poliovirus Antibody, Neutralization | Blood (Serum) | only when available | 890 |
Sp-A | Strep-A Automated Fluorescent Immunoassay (FIA) | Swab | same day | 80 |
SHBG | Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) | Blood | 1-3 days | P.O.R |
SYPH Abs | Syphilis (Abs) IgG/IgM combined | Blood | same day | 55 |
STDs | Sexually transmitted disease profile testing/STDs (including HIV, Hep B & C + VDRL) | Blood | same day | 135 |
SG | Chlamydia & Gonorrhea RT-PCR | Urine | 3-7days | 155 |
HIV | Human Immuno-deficiency Virus | Blood | same day | 50 |
HBsAbs | Hep B antibodies | Blood | same day | 55 |
HBsAg | Hep B antigen | Blood | same day | 55 |
Hep C | Blood | same day | 75 | |
HEP A | Hep A antibodies (IgG/IgM) | Blood | 5 days | 65 |
HVS | High Vaginal Swab | Swab | same day | 65 |
T-ABS | Thyroid Antibodies | Blood | 2-3 days | 75 |
TFT | Thyroid Function Test Profile 1 (TSH+TT4+ FT4) | Blood | same day | 75 |
TFT | Thyroid Function Test Profile 2 (TSH+TT4+ FT4+T3) | Blood | same day | 100 |
TSH | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)* | Blood | same day | 30 |
T4 | Thyroxine (Total) (TT4)* | Blood | same day | 30 |
T3 | T3 Triiodothyronine | Blood | same day | 30 |
FT4 | Thyroxine (free) (FT4)* | Blood | same day | 30 |
TORCH IgG | Blood | same day | 65 | |
TORCH IgM | Blood | same day | 55 | |
TORCH IgG +IgM | Blood | same day | 95 | |
TEST2 | Total Testosterone | Blood | same day | 55 |
TB | Tuberculosis Antibodies (IgG, IgM & IgA Isotypes) | Blood | same day | 125 |
VIT-D | VITAMIN D* (Semi-Quantitative) | Blood | same day | 35 |
VITD25(OH)D | VITAMIN D – 25 hydroxy vitamin D (Quantitative) | Blood | same day | 65 |
Other tests not on the list are still performed on request | Varies +/- 30 min | P.O.R = Price on request |
Code | Biochemistry Test | TAT | Price € | |
Cek1 | Check-up Profile 1 (H1+R1+ L1+BT1)* | same day | 80 | |
Cek2 | Check-up Profile 2 (Cek1+LP1+ M1+C1+BT1)* | same day | 98 | |
Cek3 | Check-up profile 3 Cek2+3tests +BT1 | same day | 135 | |
Cek4 | Cek3+UM1+ BT1 | same day | 150 | |
LFT | LIVER PROFILE | same day | 55 | |
FE | Iron (gen 2)* | same day | 15 | |
UA | Uric Acid* | same day | 15 | |
AMY | Amylase* | same day | 10 | |
GLU | Glucose* | same day | 15 | |
HS-CRP* | Highly Sensitive C – Reactive Protein* | same day | 75 | |
R1 | Renal Function Test Profile (RFT)* | same day | 30 | |
Na | Sodium (Na+)* | same day | 5 | |
K | Potassium (K+)* | same day | 5 | |
Cl | Chloride (CL-)* | same day | 5 | |
U | Urea* | same day | 10 | |
Cr | Creatinine* | same day | 10 | |
BUN | Blood Urea Nitrogen* | same day | no charge | |
M1 | Minerals ions Profile* | same day | 30 | |
Ca | Calcium* | same day | 20 | |
CB1 | Ca + Albumin* | same day | 15 | |
CACORR | Corrected Calcium* | same day | no charge | |
PO | Phosphate * | same day | 10 | |
L1 | Liver Function Test (LFT)* | same day | 55 | |
ALP | ALP* | same day | 10 | |
GGT | GGT* | same day | 10 | |
tB3 | Total Bilirubin (GEN3)* | same day | 10 | |
Db | Direct bilirubin* | same day | 10 | |
Ib | Indirect bilirubin* | same day | no charge | |
ALT | ALT (sGPT)* | same day | 10 | |
TP | Total Protein* | same day | 10 | |
ALB | Albumin* | same day | 10 | |
GLB | Globulin* | 30 minutes | no charge | |
NH3 | Ammonia (on request)* | same day | 25 | |
STL | Stool Microbiology | 3-5 days | 60 | |
C1 | Cardiac Profile* | same day | 45 | |
CK | Creatine Kinase * | same day | 10 | |
AST | AST (sGOT)* | same day | 10 | |
LT | LACTATE * | same day | 10 | |
LDHI2 | Lactate Dehydrogenase 2 (on request)* | same day | 15 | |
Mg2+ | Magnesium* | same day | 15 | |
LP1 | Lipid Profile (LIP)* | same day | 45 | |
Chol | Cholesterol * | same day | 15 | |
Tg | Triglycerides* | same day | 15 | |
LDL | LDLC (gen3)* | same day | 15 | |
HDL | HDLC (gen4)* | same day | 15 | |
RF | Risk factor* | same day | no charge | |
BT1 | Blood Taking* | 10 minutes | 10 | |
UM1 | Urinalysis & Microscopy* | same day | 30 | |
UCS | Urine Culture & Sensitivity * | 2 – 4 days | 50 | |
UM+UCS | Urinalysis & C/S | 1-4 days | 65 | |
You may quote code to order | * = Performed daily | Varies +/- 10 min | P.O.R = Price on request |
Please note that all prices and turnaround time (TAT) ranges in the above lists were correct at time of publication, and are subject to change without prior notice.
Please note that all prices and turnaround time (TAT) ranges in the above lists were correct at time of publication, and are subject to change without prior notice.
Clients may request for other tests which are not on the lists and prices on 00356 9946 0705 /
Prices for tests which are not listed above or are marked as P.O.R, will be quoted before commencing testing.
We emphasise on NO HIDDEN COSTS policy. Clients will be quoted both the itemised and the total final prices