Veterinary tests

The following is an extensive list for animal testing. For Equine testing list, please visit EquineLab, which is dedicated to Performance Equine

around time
(5 diff. CBC + Film + ESR)*
1 hour30
Cell blood count + Film*
45 minutes20
HBFBlood film*35 minutes10
HESRErythrocyte Sed.  Rate *45 minutes10
HH1 + HFBNFull Haematology2 hours50
You may quote code to order* = Performed dailyVaries +/- 10 minP.O.R =
Price on request
Haematology Section

Please note that all prices and turnaround time ranges in the above lists were correct at time of publication, and are subject to change without prior notice. Sample incoming from Malta (from Marsa collection site) will be issued after 2 pm due to logistic reasons.


Price €
HCek1Check-up Profile 1
2 hours80
HCek2Check-up Profile 2
3 hours98
HCek3Check-up profile 3 Cek2+3tests
3.5 hours135
4 hours150
HFEIron (gen 2)*40 minutes15
HFRTNFerritin30 minutes15
HUAUric Acid*30 minutes15
HAMYAmylase*30 minutes10
HGLUGlucose*30 minutes10
HHS-CRPHighly Sensitive C – Reactive Protein*30 minutes15
HR1Renal Function Test Profile  (RFT)*30 minutes25
HNaSodium (Na+)*10 minutes5
HKPotassium (K+)*10 minutes5
HClChloride (CL-)*10 minutes5
HUUrea*30 minutes10
HCrCreatinine*30 minutes10
30 minutesno charge
HM1Minerals ions Profile*1 hour20
HCaCalcium*30 minutes10
HCB1Ca + Albumin*30 minutes15
HCACORRCorrected Calcium*30 minutesno charge
HPOPhosphate  *30 minutes10
L1Liver Function Test (LFT)*1 hour55
ALP*30 minutes10
GGT*30 minutes10
HtB3Total Bilirubin (GEN3)*30 minutes10
HDbDirect bilirubin*30 minutes10
HIbIndirect bilirubin*30 minutesno charge
ALT (sGPT)*30 minutes10
HTPTotal Protein*30 minutes10
HALBAlbumin*30 minutes10
HGLBGlobulin*30 minutesno charge
(on request)*
45 minutes25
HC1Cardiac Profile*45 minutes45
HCKCreatine Kinase *30 minutes10
AST (sGOT)*30 minutes10
HLTLACTATE *30 minutes10
HLDHI2Lactate Dehydrogenase 2
(on request)*
30 minutes15
HMg2+Magnesium*30 minutes15
HLP1Lipid Profile (LIP)*1 hour45
HCholCholesterol *30 minutes15
HTgTriglycerides*30 minutes15
LDLC (gen3)*30 minutes15
HDLC (gen4)*30 minutes15
HRFRisk factor*40 minutesno charge
HBT1Blood Taking*10 minutes10
HUM1Urinalysis & Microscopy*45 minutes20
HC&SUrine Culture & Sensitivity *2 – 4 days35
You may quote code to order* = Performed dailyVaries +/- 10 minP.O.R =
Price on request
Biochemistry section

Please note that all prices and turnaround time ranges in the above lists were correct at time of publication, and are subject to change without prior notice. Sample incoming from Malta (from Marsa collection site) will be issued after 2 pm due to logistic reasons.


Price €
 BCBabesia caballi2 hours20
 TETheileria equi2 hours20
 LYGLyme (Borellia B.) IgG2 hours20
 LYM Lyme (Borellia B.)IgM2 hours20
 EAEhrlichia/Anaplasma2 hours20
DIDirofilaria immitis (Cantharidin toxicosis)2 hours20
 EEEhrlichia ewingii  sp.(rickettsiales) 2 hours20
 LPGLeptospira (Leptospiraceae/spirochaetales) IgG2 hours20
 LPMLeptospira (Leptospiraceae/spirochaetales) IgM2 hours20
FullPAll the above as a whole profile2 hours70
FullP less LPM/LPGAll the above as a whole profile but excluding LPG and LPM2 hours50
Parasitology Section

Please note that all prices and turnaround time ranges in the above lists were correct at time of publication, and are subject to change without prior notice. Sample incoming from Malta (from Marsa collection site) will be issued after 2 pm due to logistic reasons.


Price €
FT FT: Upper Gastrointestinal bleeding1 hour*
FHFH/FOB: Lower Gastrointestinal bleeding1 hour*
CRYCryptosporidium spp. specific antigen1 hour20
RVA RotaVirus Antigen test1 hour20
FST1FT + FH  (*ordered only as FST1 profile)1 hour40
FST2 CRY + RVA1 hour35
FST3FS1 + FS21 hour65
Faecal Special Tests

Please note that all prices and turnaround time ranges in the above lists were correct at time of publication, and are subject to change without prior notice. Sample incoming from Malta (from Marsa collection site) will be issued after 2 pm due to logistic reasons.

CodeSpecial TestTurnaround timePrice €
E2Estradiol  II (E2) *3 hours40 
FFerritin*1 hour10
IUIIntrauterine Insemination (IUI) Kit + Full preparation ready to use.
Phone Lab in advance*
3 hours220
LHLuteinizing Hormone / Lutropin (LH)*1 hour40 
P4Progesterone (P/P4)*1 hour40 
T3/4Thyroid Function Test
2.5 hours50
T4Thyroxine (Total) (TT4)*2 hours 30
FT4Thyroxine (free)  (FT4)*2 hours 30
TES2Total Testosterone II (TES2/T)*2 hours 40
VDVITAMIN D* 1 hour15
Other tests not on list are still performed on requestVaries +/- 30 minP.O.R =
Price on request
Special tests

Please note that all prices and turnaround time ranges in the above lists were correct at time of publication, and are subject to change without prior notice. Sample incoming from Malta (from Marsa collection site) will be issued after 2 pm due to logistic reasons.

( * indicates that respective result will be issued within the same day)

Samples presented on Saturdays, Sundays or Public Holidays may incur an extra day to the above turnaround time. Liaise with the laboratory staff (in Gozo on +356 99460705) or collection site in Marsa representative (for Malta on +356 99403118) to obtain an approximate turnaround time. Many of the above-mentioned tests are still not effected.

For free sample containers and instructions or for Blood Taking Service (phlebotomy) , call on +00356 9946 0705 in Gozo and +356 99403118 in Malta to collect free samples or book an appointment. Customer has the option to bring their samples ready filled for analysis.

Customer-Centred Care through facts

A standard policy of Pegasus Laboratory Services is that only one customer is allowed to enter the bleeding/waiting area at a time. Such system safeguards the customer’s safety and privacy.

No results will be given except to the horse owner/customer, if not instructed otherwise in writing by the same customer (by email or private recognised message).

Due to COVID-19 directives and until further notice, customers are requested to bring and wear a protective mask and sanitise their hands with 70% alcohol (provided by the Lab/shop) before and after presenting the sample. Samples must be clean and avoid unnecessary spillages.